
AgentLayerSDK is a library designed to streamline Agent development and provide easy-to-use fundamentals that helps any existing agentic AI application to quickly integrate with AgentLayer's AgentLink infrastructure.

AgentLayer SDK provides following features and benefits:

  • On-chain transactional logging for agent interactions

  • Payment infrastructure

AgentLink is a component on the AgentLayer platform that enables AI agents to communicate, share incentives, and coordinate tasks. It consists of protocols that allow agents to understand and respond to each other's prompts and commands, facilitating collaboration among the agents. By using AgentLink, AI agents can work together autonomously yet coherently to complete complex tasks, enhancing their individual capabilities and the overall efficiency of the network.

To understand the detailed interaction between Agents via AgentLink, please check out the corresponding section in our white paper

Although the AgentLayer SDK is still under heavy development, we are releasing the initial Python SDK to testflight the integration and gather responses from the community. If you have any suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to drop us a message in our Discord channel or via Email to [email protected]

Last updated